Idylla BRAF Mutation Assay (RUO)
The fully automated IdyllaTM BRAF Mutation Assay covers BRAF V600E, E2, D, K, R and M mutation with a sensitivity of 1% of mutant in wild type background in FFPE samples with an excellent concordance to reference methods of >95%.
For Research Use Only (RUO), not for use in diagnostic procedures.
For more information on the MGB Probe license, click here.
Specimen requirements
One of the biggest challenges in oncology biomarker testing is the ability to obtain samples of sufficient size and quality. With the IdyllaTM System only a minimal amount of sample is needed
- 1x 5 μm FFPE tissue section -> 50-600 mm²
- 1x 10 μm FFPE tissue section -> 25-300 mm²
- Neoplastic cells ≥50% - if less, macrodissection is required