What are content partnerships?
Become part of the Idylla™ partner community by bringing your test content on the Idylla™ Platform. Unique in our model is that you will remain in full control of your biomarker assets by becoming the so-called legal manufacturer.1 As legal manufacturer you also determine your own product branding of your Idylla™ Assays.
Owning all marketing authorizations of your product As such you remain in control to define the specifications, including the intended use of the product.
Why partner with Biocartis?
As a biomarker and diagnostic company a key challenge lies in how to bring your proprietary biomarker content to customers worldwide. Biomarker signatures (such as gene expression profile assays) are often technically complex to perform by end users which may restrict their use to commercial service labs or specialized medical centers.
Our partnership model enables you to develop your proprietary test content on the Idylla Platform. Having an Idylla™ version of your test allows you to bring your test content much closer to where patients most benefit from it, while leveraging on our global installed base of ~2000 Idylla™ Instruments globally as well as our global commercial channel that reaches into 75+ countries.
What do we offer:
- Access to the Idylla™️ Platform and ecosystem for porting of proprietary biomarker panels developed & validated by partners
Drivers for partner: accelerate and maximize commercial potential of proprietary content
- Accelerate global roll-out of proprietary biomarker content
- Ability to deliver complex biomarker content to customers irrespective of customers’ laboratory experience level
- Increase impact by rolling out unique test content faster and closer to patients compared to traditional technologies
- Retain control over biomarker asset
- Achieve cost efficiencies
Drivers for Biocartis: maximize menu of tests on the Idylla™ Platform
- Proprietary partner content available on Idylla™ Platform
- Expanded menu appealing to larger audience
Partner focused organization
Biocartis has set up a seamless internal structure to optimally serve your needs throughout the entire product life cycle. Our Alliance Managers serve as your main liaison for all aspects of the collaboration: from development through contract manufacturing to global commercialization.
Meet the Biocartis partnering team at one of the upcoming events or contact us to talk.
Upcoming partnering events Contact
To support our partners with the development of assays on the Idylla™ Platform, Biocartis provides its ‘Assay Development Kit’ or ADK™.
Developing an assay on our Idylla™ Platform is a three-step process. The result is a pre-defined Idylla™ cartridge containing all biochemical reagents for rapid diagnostic testing of nucleic acids targets for research or clinical testing:
- Partner defines the target product profile
- Partner designs and develops the Idylla™ Assay by means of the ADK™ with support of Biocartis
- Biocartis manufactures the Idylla™ Assay
When the partner is in the process of designing and developing the assay, whether for research use or for use on patient samples, they use the ADK™ which consists of four different tools:
- IdyllaSTUDIO, a graphical software for assay protocol development on Idylla™
- IdyllaCLICKFIT, a system to allow rapid prototyping of RNA and DNA PCR test configurations
- IdyllaOPEN, an open cartridge allowing the developer to use custom sample preparation reagents
- PartnerSUPPORT, dedicated training materials, software and training provided by Biocartis
The ADK™ is used throughout the different phases of assay development, which consists of:
- Pre-phase 0: Project definition including planning and training using a.o. PartnerSUPPORT
- Phase 0: Porting phase to port the assay to an Idylla™ compatible format using for example Idylla CLICKFIT and IdyllaOPEN
- Phase 1: Optimization phase where the Idylla™ assay is further optimized using for example IdyllaOPEN and regular Idylla™ cartridges
- Phase 2: Verification phase to check if the assay meets the technical requirements, complete the assay's protocol in IdyllaSTUDIO and finalize the software decision tree and software for results reporting.
- Phase 3: Validation phase to validate if the assay meets the User Needs and to develop the final IVD software for result reporting.