APIS ESR1 Mutations Controls (RUO*)
The APIS ESR1 Mutations Controls serve as a quality control material and can be used for oestrogen receptor gene (ESR1) mutations assay validations, or alongside the APIS ESR1 Mutations Kit as run validity controls. The product consists of two tubes, a negative and a positive control. The positive control contains DNA fragments encoding eleven mutations within the ESR1 gene, as well as a reference sequence encoding a fragment of exon 3.
*APIS ESR1 Controls Kit is distributed by Biocartis NV for Research Use Only (RUO), not for use in diagnostic procedures. Data and conclusions have not been validated by Biocartis NV.
APIS ESR1 Mutations Kit
The APIS ESR1 Mutations Controls can be used in combination with the APIS ESR1 Mutations Kit for the detection of 11 ESR1 mutations from DNA (e.g. cfDNA) using qPCR assay. The controls allow users to expand sample testing across more PCR plates.