IdyllaTM workflow

  1. Scan sample
  2. Scan cartridge
  3. Load sample
  4. Insert cartridge
  5. 90 - 150 minutes analysis
  6. Get report

Meet Idylla

A revolutionary, fully automated system that makes molecular testing easy, fast and suitable for any lab.

Molecular biomarker results in only 3 hours! THINK IDYLLA

Idylla Platform

Oncology Tests Research Assays

Specimen Requirements

One of the biggest challenges pathology labs face with biomarker testing is the ability to obtain samples of sufficient size and quality. With the IdyllaTM System only a minimal amount of sample is needed.

Download Specimen Requirements for Oncology Tests

Download Specimen Requirements for Research Assays

cartridge biocartis

Easy, fast & suitable for any lab!

Compared with NGS and other RT-PCR testing methods, the IdyllaTM System eliminates the need for multiple numbers of instruments, large amounts of consumable items and increased square footage of laboratory space. Everything you need is provided in a single disposable cartridge. That single cartridge is then loaded onto the IdyllaTM System to enable the simultaneous detection of up to 30 molecular targets. It’s fast, easy to use and will revolutionize the way you work.

Graphic comparison Idylla vs. other technologies


"Idylla helps cancer patients in Liverpool get the right drugs at the right time!"

Dr. Alistair Reid, Consultant Clinical Scientist, Molecular Pathology at Liverpool Clinical Laboratories (LCL)

alexander mackinnon quote