Idylla KRAS Mutation Test (CE-IVD)


The fully automated IdyllaTM KRAS Mutation Test covers 21 KRAS mutations in exons 2,3 and 4 showing an excellent concordance to reference methods of >95%. Comparison with various other KRAS detecting technologies revealed a superior performance of the IdyllaTM KRAS Mutation Test in terms of ease of use, turnaround time, and hands-on time while demonstrating superior levels of sensitivity.

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For more information on the PlexZyme and PlexPrime licenses, click here.

Idylla™ KRAS Mutation Test

Specimen requirements

One of the biggest challenges in oncology biomarker testing is the ability to obtain samples of sufficient size and quality. With the IdyllaTM System only a minimal amount of sample is needed

  • 1x 5 μm FFPE tissue section -> 50-600 mm²
  • 1x 10 μm FFPE tissue section -> 25-300 mm²
  • Neoplastic cells ≥10% -  if less, macrodissection is required

Idylla Oncology Assays

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